Current International Social Security Agreements

Australia currently has 31 bilateral international social security agreements.

Austria | Belgium | Canada | Chile | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech |Denmark | Estonia | Finland | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Ireland | Italy | Japan | Korea | Latvia | Malta | Republic of North Macedonia | The Netherlands | New Zealand | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Slovak | Slovenia | Spain | Switzerland | United States of America

All these agreements are based on the concept of shared responsibility. Shared responsibility agreements are reciprocal. Partner countries under each agreement make concessions against their social security qualification rules so that people covered by the agreement may access payments for which they might otherwise fail to qualify. In this way, responsibility for social security is shared between the countries where a person has lived during their working years and the person is able to unlock potential entitlements. Generally, a pension from one country can be accessed in the second country, although the paying country maintains some discretion in the currency and delivery mechanisms used.

Under these agreements, Australia equates social insurance periods/residence in those countries with periods of Australian residence in order to meet the minimum qualifying periods for Australian pensions. The other countries generally count periods of Australian working life residence as periods of social insurance in order to meet their minimum qualifying periods for payment. Usually, each country will pay a part pension to a person who has lived in both countries.

For more information on claim procedures and payments under an agreement:

  • Contact Centrelink International Services.
  • Visit your local Centrelink Customer Service Centre.
  • Department of Human Services Publications - Australia's International Social Security Agreements Factsheets

For policy information, contact the Department of Social Services.

For more information on whether an agreement can assist seconded workers, contact the Australian Taxation Office.

Flag of Austria Austria

  • Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Austria on Social Security (Implemented 1 March 2017 - current)
  • Australia and Austria - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Austria Belgium

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Belgium
  • Australia and Belgium - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Austria Canada

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Canada
  • Australia and Canada - Frequently Asked Questions

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Flag of Austria Chile

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Chile
  • Austraila and Chile - Frequently Asked Questions
  • Australia and Chile - Chilean Pension of Mercy (Pensiones de Gracia) - Frequently Asked Questions
    • In Spanish: Pensiones de Gracia de Chile - Preguntas frecuentes PDF [24kB]
    • In Spanish: Pensiones de Gracia de Chile - Preguntas frecuentes RTF [38kB]
  • Factsheet - Social Security Agreement between Australia and Chile
    • In Spanish: Factsheet - Social Security Agreement between Australia and Chile PDF [25kB]

Flag of Crotia Croatia

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Croatia
  • Australia and Croatia - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Cyprus Cyprus

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Cyprus
  • Australia and Cyprus - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Czech Czech

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Czech
  • Australia and Czech - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Denmark Denmark

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Denmark
  • Australia and Denmark - Frequently Asked Questions

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Flag of Estonia Estonia

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Estonia
  • Australia and Estonia - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Denmark Finland

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Finland
  • Australia and Finland - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Geramany Germany

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Germany
  • Supplementary Agreement on Social Security with Germany
  • Australia and Germany - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Greece Greece

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Greece (English version)
  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Greece (Greek version) PDF [244kB]
  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Greece (Greek version) RTF [290kB]
  • Australia and Greece - Frequently Asked Questions (English version)
  • Factsheet on the Agreement (English version)

Flag of Hungary Hungary

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Hungary
  • Australia and Hungary - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of India India

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and India (English and Hindi version)
  • Australia and India – Frequently asked questions

Flag of Ireland Ireland

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Ireland
  • Australia and Ireland - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Italy Italy

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Italy
  • Australia and Italy - Frequently Asked Questions

Japanese Flag Japan

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Japan
  • Australia and Japan - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Korea Korea

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Korea
  • Australia and Korea - Frequently Asked Questions


  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Latvia
  • Australia and Latvia - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Macedonia, Republic of North Macedonia Macedonia, Republic of North Macedonia

  • Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia on Social Security
  • Social Security Agreement with the Republic of North Macedonia - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Malta Malta

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Malta
  • Australia and Malta - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Netherlands The Netherlands

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and The Netherlands
  • Australia and The Netherlands - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of New Zealand New Zealand

  • Agreement on Social Security Between the Government of Australia and the Government Of New Zealand
  • Australia and New Zealand - Frequently Asked Questions
  • Other Information for New Zealanders Moving to Australia

Flag of Norway Norway

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Norway
  • Australia and Norway - Frequently Asked Questions

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Flag of Poland Poland

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Poland
  • Australia and Poland - Frequently Asked Questions

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Flag of Portugal Portugal

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Portugal
  • Australia and Portugal - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Slovak Republic Slovak Republic

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Slovak Republic
  • Australia and Slovak Republic - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Slovenia Slovenia

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Slovenia
  • Australia and Slovenia - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Spain Spain

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Spain
  • Australia and Spain - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of Switzerland Switzerland

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and Switzerland
  • Australia and Switzerland - Frequently Asked Questions

Flag of USA United States of America

  • Social Security Agreement between Australia and the United States of America
  • Australia and the United States of America - Frequently Asked Questions
  • Factsheet: Social Security Agreement between Australia and the United States of America

Acknowledgement: Flag images are from the Flags Of The World website.

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