What Does It Mean When a Guy Gropes You

What Does It Mean When a Guy Gropes You

Why Men Are Groped With The Urge To Grope Women - The Science Behind Groping Grope (verb) – fondle for sexual pleasure.
Fondle (verb) - touch or stroke lightly in a loving or endearing manner.

While the dictionaries might be seemingly diplomatic about the harsh choirs of groping, Hollywood goes balls out to endorse the art of groping in its purest forms. If you don't believe what you are reading, please turn to page 4 of Independent Spirit Awards, where Rosario Dawson gropes Paul Rudd, who is only too happy to return the favour to his co-presenter

Eva Mendes

, and since that might feel inadequate, kindly turn to Page 1 of MTV Movie Awards and take a look at Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis grope-cesting (incest-groping) each other. Well that was 2011, and it was a great year for groping. Especially, if we were looking at staged or consensual groping. However, 2015 has been quite gutsy in its own way.

Last month, when this Russian man, after settling his bill, tried to tip the waitress with his hand on her bottom, she tipped him right back. In fact, she tipped him so generously, the patron found it hard to refuse the compliments of the bar.

So let's ask, why is this rope of grope so long, dark and twisted?

First. Let's get some things straight.
Men are not pigs. They are not dogs either. They are just, men.

Not all men grope. But most who grope are men.

Do men like


's apples? It depends. But for the better average, the answer is yes.

Now, let's drive through.

Reaps of articles and studies reek of the fact that the cause for a man to be attracted to a woman physically is not because of her breast size, hip rhyme, or the voluptuous pronunciation of her buttocks; it is indeed, her spine curvature.

When Dr

David Lewis

, Bilkent University


, conducted an experiment to see if men actually went ga ga over the boo-booties or the 45.5 degree spine curvature, he wasn't astonished to see the ballot box screaming victory for the 45.5 degree spinal curve.

"Men may be directing their attention to the butt and obtaining information about women's spines, even if they are unaware that that is what their minds are doing." - Dr David Lewis.

For the gentleman, this degree of curve symbolises good health and fertility, and for the debauched, it is sweet nectar to the drone – he wants to just have a go at it.

Nobody particularly invented groping, just the award for discovering masturbation went to Anonymous. Groping has become a UFO phenomenon. Even if you have witnessed one, reporting it becomes a problem, for the lack of validational elements.

Subways, public transport systems and crowded streets are prolific breeding grounds for those lurking with bated breath to viciously cross lines on some clueless figures.

Victims of groping, take protection under the compassionate blanket of 'once bitten twice shy' and are constantly on the alert. Whereas a groper is susceptibly high on the maxim, 'once a groper always a groper'. Very rarely does one end up in the corner as a touring groper. Most gropers are habitual gropers. Groping is an addiction. The grave thing is, groping is not the kind of addiction drug addicts fall in love with. It is the other one. The one that induces adrenaline. That is conceived when engaged in acts like skydiving or chasing tornadoes in Texas.

Each successful grope injects a substantial amount of serotonin. Serotonin is the rapscallion that regulates our moods. A shot of serotonin acts as an anti-depressant. Serotonin is the same mountain guide who helps us conquer the summit when we orgasm.

Groping, in some culturescapes, has been helplessly accepted as a mascot of appreciation. Especially in the corporate spectrum. Pinching/patting cheeks on face or bum is seen as a genre of formal appreciation.

As the human race is chauffeured by curiosity, touching and feeling became elementary and fundamental to determining the PoP (panorama of prospectiveness).

When we visit Taj Mahal we don't ask, "Hey, Taj, I'd like to touch you. Can I?" Being 100% immune to the discretion of Taj Mahal, we have a field day in the touching and feeling of the exquisite marble without an open consent.

To a man, considering the superiority that has been embedded in him from the transcendental caves of evolution and genetic upbringing - intensified his insubordination to empathise with the constitutional limitations and thus giving ample legroom to wiggle his shenanigans on unsuspecting objects. Be it animate or inanimate.

The man takes it as a challenge. An objective. "Will I be able to do it again and get away with it?" "Come on, I know you can do it." "You are meant to do this. You are born to do this." "This will be a piece of cake." This subverted dare is the diagonal abstract of the conditioning dominant in stunt performers affiliated with high adrenaline sports just moments before they take the plunge in the world of their speciality.

Every grope is counted, accounted for and carefully added to their portfolio. Some gropers stick to the standard and traditional groping (whatever comes to your mind), while the adventurous ones are constantly creating and developing newer ways to fuel their sinister passions. During peak hours in Tokyo metros, men pretend to be napping in their seats until a school-going girl comes and stands near the seat. Moments later, like the mechanism of a wound watch, the man is seen bending down from his seat, evidently picking up nothing in his hand, but effortlessly scraping his head against the length of the girl's legs all the way up to the hem of her skirt, and most times, well above the hem. Groping incidents in Japan are as common as beheading videos offered by ISIS.

A groper, just as any enthusiast intends on exponentially advancing his stamina and girth in and around the skill.

It is like being inside an esteemed museum. We see the warning, "LOOK, BUT DON'T TOUCH." However, we all know the rhetoric potential of that sign. There will always be those who will want to just touch it, for the sheer thrill. The excitement. In other words, an erroneous sense of intellect that it is their birth right to touch it.

Practically and sadly, there is no end to groping. Only a heightened sense of awareness, and a belligerent trickle of proactive and preemptive remedial measures that can be put in place to tame and subdue this disturbing deed.

Cover Image: Fo.ol (Flickr)

Source: https://www.businessinsider.in/why-men-are-groped-with-the-urge-to-grope-women-the-science-behind-groping/articleshow/47783744.cms

Posted by: tallisaughteell.blogspot.com

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